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Sharing some insight on our journey together, suffering, Prayer, Reparation, and staying connected throughout the day!

Offering Acts of the Saints...
00:00 / 04:50
Honoring the Saints....

Isabel shares some insight into the spirituality of Journeying within the Divine Will.  It is a wonderful way to experience the reflection and prayer concepts of corresponding to God's Love through prayer and reparation.  We invite you to explore the teachings here and are confident you will find a treasure among these reflections....

Review on Uniformity with God's WIll..
00:00 / 13:19

In reality our anchor is in the Holy Trinity in Heaven and on earth the Eucharist, Mother Mary and little mama Luisa. Let’s fuse in the Divine Will having all this in mind so in every situation we may go through they sustain us, anchor us, accompany us and gives us the strength to offer our pains, suffering, worries, battles, uncertainties….  Fused in their acts done on our behalf. From their acts we get the strength, hope, love, serenity, light….. and as we get it we bring it to all who suffer and don’t know this treasure of the Divine Will.

When we experience in our humanity the Fortitude , the Light, the Love , the Peace… we are experiencing the goods of Heaven where suffering does not exist.

When we experience physical pain, internal suffering,…. we are experiencing a little bit of what Jesus experienced during His Passion on our behalf ( He experienced all the passions of all generations at once so we would be able to find the purpose of  our sufferings in Him , could understand the origin of our suffering in original sin and how our origin is not to suffer but to love God; to be in a constant relationship with God in mirroring the Trinity in Heaven . So we must love Him in our sufferings as Jesus did and taught us in The Hours of the Passion to counter act what sin had produced, and the place for this to be done is in our present time,  act by act fused in Jesus Humanity taking act by act all He repaired on our behalf.

This is the constant work in the Divine Will . It’s ongoing and eternal and we are all accompanying each other whether we know it , feel it or not. This is the value we have while living on earth, that most of the times we live in faith and some times we feel it so we can keep walking in faith. 
In the Divine Will we learn to live the life of Heaven on earth bringing us to the origin, place and purpose we are created by God.

Offering Reparation...Isabel
00:00 / 04:15
Sharing some insight into Luisa's mystical experiences and our way of offering reparation within the Divine Will

We fuse in the Divine Will and take all souls as one and bring them to Mother Mary’s arms so she can caress them, feed them, cloth them and give them all the Father’s Love deposited in her to be able to care for us and love us with His same Love. We leave all generations with her and give on their behalf thanksgiving to Mary To The Trinity for having given us such a precious Mother …. and we ask the Kingdom to come to every heart and expand in each one.

Sometimes when coming to the Divine Will we may ponder how do I pray now? What is the difference with the spiritual life I had before? How do I live the Divine Will in my day to day life? 
I will give you a very simple a adaptable format that depending on your day we can adapt it and still be living in the Divine Will being obedient, faithful and attentive to Mother Church, and Heaven.


Taking the example of yesterday’s Liturgy of the Word we will see an example. Nothing is constrained. Let the Holy Spirit flow through you and be attentive to His motions as you engage in the readings, in prayer in the Sacrifice of the Mass and work and family life and apply the Divine Will teachings to all as the Holy Spirit moves you. There is no right or wrong way to do it . The Holy Spirit will bring forward to you a word that will stand out and from there He Will build up layer after  layer for your participation with Him during the day interceding for the extension of the Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven

Our life will revolve all day on the Sacrifice of the Mass where we will participate with The Trinity through Jesus Christ , Mother Mary , Luisa , guardian angel Saints , … during the Mass they are all present
First thing in  the morning we fuse in the Divine Will . 
And all our day will revolve on 
1. preparing for the sacrifice (getting familiar with the Saint of the day, liturgical readings so when we come 
2. to participate in the Sacrifice we come with a “ theme” that will build up as the day goes by . 
So we prepare  to  participate and live the Holy Mass and we 
3.give Thanksgiving …


And with Yesterdays word “ Effetá “ 
We fuse in the One Eternal Act and And ask the Lord to open our eyes, ears, heart to His Most Holy Will so we can diffuse His truths in the way He Wills and desires from us. And we cover all souls with Jesus Obedience, Humility, Grace, Love so all leaders of the world and recipients will “ Effetá “ open their will to Gods Eternal Will so what God’s intentions in bringing humanity these divine truths, may be accomplished in all souls, asking for the Kingdom to come …..Effetá was the word that stood up for me but it may be any theme , word in the readings


Saint Apolonia of Alejandría Egipt: was virgin and martyred for her faith not succumbing to spreading impious words.

We fuse in the Divine Will of God with Mother Mary and Luisa bringing all her life’s acts repaired and  divinized to the Throne of The Sacrosanct Trinity for her accident glory and we ask her to intercede on our behalf so we can die to our will and in all our words we proclaim only Gods Will and His Love asking for  His Kingdom to be stablished and extended on earth as it is in Heaven be proclaimed ‎by us on behalf of all souls past, present and future

And have this intention during the day


Paying attention to what we say in our ordinary life at home, what we pay attention on hearing  and pay attention too of what our heart longs for and reorder it during the day with Gods Holy Will interceding for others and ( actualizing our prevenient   act in the process).

As we read the book of Heaven during the day, pray the Rosary in the Divine Will,it will give a deeper meaning of how to apply what we read in the above readings.  So we have a map to indicate us how to travel this life in a simple way.  Being united to the Church Universal militant here on earth, purgative in Purgatory , and Triumphant  in Heaven.  Fiat always!
This map mirrors the life of Luisa . 
1. During the night she would get the deposit of the Divine Will, and follow Jesus in what He wanted her to participate on 
2. Participated in the Sacrifice of the Mass applying what Jesus had taught her during the night 
Contemplating during the day His teaching…. Hours of Passion …. 
3 in the afternoon a special time with Mother Mary


You can adapt this routine to your work, family life, state in life. Everything needs to be orderly integrated to your ordinary life , all for the purpose of living in His Divine Will during all your day activities by acting in continuous participation with Heaven to give God  the honor and glory he deserves from all creatio

Something to consider when engaging in the life of the Divine Will is that we need to adapt all the goods we already have and elevate them to what Jesus teaches us in His Divine Will and not the other way around lowering the Divine Will to what we usually do and adapt it to our own ways. 

As you can see it’s the Trinity lifting us up to see things with a new lens and us being docile to Their ways ; They taking the lead in our every act and we having the good will of fussing our will with Theirs. This is a Journey of Love, Trust, Faith that grows day by day .

God does not expect us to get it all at once in a perfect way, He understands we are creatures and are very fragile and coming from original sin.. . He just  wants us to be humble enough to make constant redirecting our ways by being reordered in the way and becoming each day more docile to His instructions.

Vol. 12 - November 28, 1920

When Jesus wants to give, He asks.  Effects of the blessing of Jesus.


I was thinking of when my sweet Jesus, to give start to His sorrowful Passion, wanted to go to His Mama to ask for Her blessing.  And blessed Jesus told me:  “My daughter, how many things this mystery reveals.  I wanted to go to my dear Mama to ask for Her blessing, in order to give Her the occasion to ask, Herself too, for my blessing.  Too many were the pains that She was to bear, and it was right that my blessing would strengthen Her.  It is my usual way, that whenever I want to give, I ask; and my Mama understood Me immediately; so much so, that She did not bless Me before She asked Me for my blessing; and after She was blessed by Me, She bless Me Herself.
But this is not all.  In order to create the universe, I pronounced one Fiat, and by the Fiat alone I reordered and embellished heaven and earth.  In creating man, my omnipotent breath infused life in him.  In giving start to my Passion, with my omnipotent and creative word I wanted to bless my Mama.  But it was not Her alone that I blessed; in my Mama I saw all creatures.  She was the one who had primacy over everything, and in Her I blessed all, and each one.  Even more, I blessed each thought, word, act, etc.; I blessed each thing that was to serve the creature.  Just as when my omnipotent Fiat created the sun, and this sun, without decreasing in light or in heat, keeps following its course for all, and for each of the mortals; in the same way, my creative word, in blessing, remained in the act of blessing always – always, without ever ceasing to bless, just as the sun will never cease to give its light to all creatures.
But this is not all yet.  With my blessing I wanted to renew the qualities of Creation.  I wanted to call my Celestial Father to bless, in order to communicate power to the creature; I wanted to bless her in My name, and of the Holy Spirit, in order to communicate to her wisdom and love, and therefore renew the memory, the intellect and the will of the creature, restoring her as sovereign of everything.
Know, however, that in giving, I want.  And my dear Mama understood, and She immediately blessed Me, not only for Herself, but in the name of all.  Oh! if all could see this blessing of mine, they would feel it in the water they drink, in the fire that warms them, in the food they take, in the sorrow that afflicts them, in the moans of prayer, in the remorses of guilt, in the abandonment of creatures.  In everything they would hear my creative word saying to them – but unfortunately it is not heard:  ‘I bless you in the name of the Father, of Myself, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  I bless you to help you, I bless you to defend you, to forgive you, to console you - I bless you to make you a saint.’  And the creature would echo my blessings, by blessing Me too, in everything.  These are the effects of my blessing; and my Church, instructed by Me, echoes Me, and in almost all circumstances, in the administration of the Sacraments and others, She gives Her blessing.”


In every blessing we receive is the blessing of Jesus and Mary running in every act. May we give thanks to the Lord for so many blessings we receive each day through so many different ways and forms and fused in the Divine Will thank Jesus and Mary for their Blessings in the name of all and give them our blessing too fused in their blessing giving the Trinity all honor and glory for all blessings we constantly receive and asking  for the Kingdom of God to be extended , as we receive so many blessings during the day.

In Preparation for Lent: 

Jesus needs *empty hearts* to be able to work in the soul the designs that he has for her. To do so ….. 

ONLY LOVE JESUS, leave other special affections aside. They can be people or things that distract us from what the Lord wants to do in our lives.

The Lord will try to put an end to our disappointments of what we envisioned to be our spiritual life through other people’s infidelities,  treasons, humiliations ….so we only rely on Him and His designs through Divine Providence. 

“My daughter, when I *call a STATE* I know how to carry it out, whether you are in a convent or somewhere else, it is secondary, I can carry it out wherever you are. That's why you will be the true nun of my heart.”

*Imitate  Me*
My Beloved, everything that has happened in the past has only been a preparation to carry out My designs for you. Now I want to prepare your heart and do what I want from you. (the imitation of My Life) to do so, I want you to sumerge yourself into My Passion and when you have well understood the intensity of My Sorrows, the Love with which I suffered them, who am I who suffered so much (a true God who lowers himself to become human to repair by suffering all your sins of lack of love for Me) and who you are …. (the one who has offended Me  and led Me to suffer My passion for your own good) .

When you have this clear, your heart will not dare to oppose any cross (setbacks that I have lovingly prepared for you for your own good ) and just by thinking about everything I have  suffered for you, when  suffering comes your way, comparing it with My Sufferings, these will seem like nothing to you and then suffering will become Sweet to you because realizing how much I suffers on your behalf and trying to imitate Me   by now suffering to accompany Me in My Sufferings, your sufferings will become an opportunity to be intimately united to Me  and then when I  stop allowing these sufferings in your life , you will miss them, understanding how close they united you to Me.

Then Luisa immerses herself in meditating on His Passion and realizes that it did so much good for her soul that she believes that all good comes from this source.

And she realizes that by immersing hermself in the Passion, many ideas become clearer. SHe begins to understand more clearly many things that were previously confusing or disordered. She realizes the immense Patience that the Lord has had with her, His Humility given on her behalf , so that she comes to understand to what degree of humility He submitted himself being God  and allowing himself to be torn to pieces for the love of saving her soul; Obedience to the authorities of the world, of the Church, and supreme Obedience to the Father in Heaven by giving his consent to be subjected to everything necessary to be able to carry out “Doing His Perfect Will on earth as it is Perfect in Heaven . 

….and me and me…. Do I put my life into doing His Will in everything? Without distractions, without delay, with humility asking Heaven to assist me, because alone I can do nothing?

Jesus I surrender my human will  to Yours,  so I no longer live but it is only You who lives in me.

Thank You Jesus!!! 
I fuse in the Divine Will in the name of all and for all and with Luisa and all the angels and saints in Heaven I want to thank You with Your own thanksgiving to the Father while you were on earth. I want to thank You for giving us the Gift of Gifts . 

Thank you  Luisa for your life, obedience, fortitude for giving your will to the Divine Will and for living this truth, I ask for your help so having already this gift available I will make it life of my life. 
Come Divine Will and immerse all souls in Your Will and give them Your Life.
So they may desire it, Love it and want to give their lives for it asking for the Kingdom of Heaven in every act. 
Fiat always

How will souls become transformed ? By the Light they will receive in the Book of Heaven about the Divine Will...


‘How can we return to the original state of Creation since the human will has made man fall into an abyss of miseries, almost deforming him from the way in which he had been created?’  And my sweet Jesus added:  “My daughter, my Will can do anything.  Just as It made man from nothing, so It can draw the new man from his miseries.  And without changing method from the way in which We created him, leaving him his free will, We will use another loving device:  the light of Our Will will unleash Its most refulgent rays more strongly; It will draw close, in such a way as to look the human will in the face, which will receive the enchantment of a penetrating light which, while dazzling it, sweetly draws it to Itself.  And the human will, attracted by a light so radiant and of rare beauty, will have the desire to see what is so beautiful in this light.  In looking, it will undergo the enchantment, it will feel happy and will love - not being forced, but spontaneously - to live in Our Will.

My daughter, like a lamb I allowed Myself to be brought to the slaughter, and I remained silent before those who sacrificed Me.  The same will be for those few good of these times; however, this is the heroism of true virtue.”  Again, He added:  “I have poured, but, though I did, do you want Me to pour a little more, so I can be relieved more?”  And I:  ‘My Lord, don’t even ask me, I am at your disposal – You can do with me whatever You want.’  So He poured again and disappeared, leaving me in suffering and content with the thought that I had relieved the pains of my beloved Jesus.

As we go through different illnesses, sufferings and pains that belong to life on earth and sometimes can not be lessened by doctors, medication… as we Go through them let us rejoice in giving some relief to Jesus that has suffered all our illnesses and sufferings

Now, dearest child, if I wanted to tell you what my Son and I did and suffered during these three years of His public life, I would be too long. What I recommend to you is that in everything you may do and suffer, your first and last act be the Divine Fiat. In the Fiat I separated from my Son, and the Fiat gave Me the strength to make the sacrifice. In the same way, you will find strength for everything, even in the pains that cost you your life, if you enclose everything in the Eternal Fiat. Therefore, give your word to your Mama, that you will let yourself be found always in the Divine Will. In this way, you too will feel the inseparability from Me and from our Highest Good, Jesus.
The soul:
Most sweet Mama, how I compassionate You in seeing You suffer so much. O please, I pray You, pour your tears and those of Jesus into my soul, to reorder it and enclose it in the Divine Fiat.

 Little Sacrifice:
Today, to honor Me, you will give Me all your pains as company to my loneliness, and in each pain you will place an “I love You” for Me and for your Jesus, to repair for those who do not want to listen to the teachings of Jesus.

Divine Mama, may your word and that of Jesus descend into my heart and form in me the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

From Vol 21 - March 3, 1927 .

So, going out of my Will has been the cause of his illness; returning into It and letting It reign will be the cause of the return of the order of happiness into the human acts, and of letting It take Its attitude in the acts of the creature.  And as she offers her work, the food she takes, and everything she does, from within those human acts is unleashed the happiness which was placed in those acts by my Will, and it rises to her Creator to give Him the glory of His own happiness.  This is why the creature in whom my Will reigns not only calls Me to operate together with her, but gives Me the honor, the glory of that very happiness with which We invested the human acts.  And even if the creature should not possess all the fullness of the unity of the light of my Will, as long as she offers her acts to her Creator as homage and adorations - since she is the one who is sick, not God – God receives the glory of the happiness of her human acts.

In reference to the  gospel reading of the prodigal son and these fragments from the reading of the book of Heaven Vol 21, March 3, 1927 we can pray this round :


Fused in Jesus most Holy Divine Will ( in the name of all and for all )we come to all souls that have chosen to leave the Fathers’ Will to do their own …( the prodigal son  leaving the house of the Father) to invite them to return to Gods Love so that the Divine Will may reign  in them and lead them to return to the Fathers House; His Kingdom of Love , to His Will in all things. 

May we infuse in each soul the Divine Will of God to return to the order of happiness, peace and joy by letting the Divine Will take the first movement in each act of soul and by ;offering her ordinary day today acts in resting, eating, working, praying, ….may all souls receive from the Divine Will the happiness the Divine Will puts inside them and by being offered back to God to give Him the honor and glory ( offered as homage and adoration to  God ) He desires from all creatures, may we call His Kingdom to Reign on earth as it does in Heaven. 
Fiat always

Lugar Albores Pequeño 104
00:00 / 05:09

Vol. 12 - April 15, 1919

My Resurrection is the true Sun, which worthily glorifies my Humanity; It is the Sun of the Catholic Religion; It is the glory of every Christian.  Without the Resurrection, it would have been as though heavens without sun, without heat and without life.

Now, my Resurrection is symbol of the souls who will form their sanctity in my Will.  The Saints of these past centuries are symbols of my Humanity; although resigned, they did not have continuous attitude in my Will, therefore they did not receive the mark of the Sun of my Resurrection, but the mark of the works of my Humanity before my Resurrection.  Therefore, they will be many; almost like stars, they will form for Me a beautiful ornament to the Heaven of my Humanity.  But the Saints of the living in my Will, who will symbolize my resurrected Humanity, will be few.  In fact, many throngs and crowds of people saw my Humanity before Its death, but few saw my resurrected Humanity - only the believers, those who were most disposed and, I could say, only those who contained the seed of my Will.  In fact, if they did not have it, they would have lacked the necessary sight to be able to see my resurrected and glorious Humanity, and therefore be spectators of my ascent into Heaven.

Now, if my Resurrection symbolizes the Saints of the living in my Will - and this, with reason, because each act, word, step, etc. done in my Will is a divine resurrection that the soul receives; it is a mark of glory that she undergoes; it is to go out of herself in order to enter the Divinity, and to hide within the refulgent Sun of my Volition; and in It she loves, works, thinks - what is the wonder if the soul remains fully risen and identified with the very Sun of my glory, and symbolizes my resurrected Humanity?  But few are those who dispose themselves to this, because souls, even in sanctity, want something of their own good; while the Sanctity of living in my Will has nothing – nothing of its own, but everything is of God; and in order for souls to dispose themselves to this, to stripping themselves of their own goods, it takes too much.  Therefore, they will not be many.  You are not in the number of the many, but of the few; therefore be always attentive to the call, and to your continuous flight.”

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