"Que todos sean uno. Así como tú, Padre, estás en mí, y yo en ti, así también ellos sean uno en nosotros, para que el mundo crea que tú me has enviado".
Juan 17:21
Compartiendo algunas ideas sobre las experiencias místicas de Luisa y nuestra manera de ofrecer reparación dentro de la Divina Voluntad.....
Father Dave commenting on the reality of personal judgements against the DW.
Únase a nuestro grupo de discusión del volumen uno, segundo y cuarto lunes del mes, de 9:30 a. m. a 11:00 a. m., EST
Frances Hogan commenting on discouragement
Father Dave commenting on getting pulled into all the details instead of focusing on the DW.
Visite Divine Will Family para obtener recursos valiosos, como las lecturas instructivas de Frances Hogan, que se pueden encontrar en la pestaña "Escritos de Luisa" en el sitio web de DWF. Esto mejorará enormemente la fase de "conocimiento" de su viaje dentro de la Voluntad Divina.
Jose Luis and Alejandra Acuna, Proof that everything about Luisa Piccarreta is of God.
Litany of Trust, Father Dominic O'Connor
Can I Redo My Acts From the Past, and Substitute the Acts of Creatures from the Past in the Divine Will? Presentation by Lorena Gomez
Para unirse a nuestros Cenáculos Zoom, vaya a nuestra pestaña "Acerca de" en este sitio web arriba.
Cenáculo Volumen Uno de Isabel, Sesión 13
Steve Faucher's latest talk on the Blessed Virgin Mary, "To Know and To Love Her" To listen to the series visit the "Virgin Mary" section of this site. HERE
Fr. James Brent, O.P., explains the meaning behind the expression "offer it up" & how sacrifice redeems the world.
Lorena Gomez English Translations
Lorena Gomez English Translations
What is the Divine Will and What is the First Step to Living In the Divine Will?
The Important Key to Learn how to do Rounds/Luisa Piccarreta
Can I Redo My Acts From the Past, and Substitute the Acts of Creatures from the Past in the Divine Will?
I offer you, too, all the merits of the saints in Heaven and on earth,
Their acts of Love, and those of the Holy Angels.
Finally, I offer You, O Blessed Trinity!
The Love and merits of the Blessed Virgin, my cherished Mother.
To her, I entrust my offering completely, imploring her to present it to you.
Her Divine Son, my Beloved Spouse, during his earthly life declared:
“Whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give to you!”
I am certain, therefore, that you will grant my desires; I know it, O my God!
The more you want to give, the more you make us desire.
I feel in my heart immense desires and
With confidence I ask you to come and take possession of my soul.
Ah! I cannot receive Holy Communion as often as I desire,
But, Lord, are you not all-powerful?
Remain in me as in a tabernacle and never separate yourself from your little victim.
Excerpt from St. Thérèse's "Act of Oblation to Merciful Love"
Don de la Divina Voluntad ha tenido el honor de traducir al inglés estos videos de José Luis Acuña y su hija Alejandra. Estos son tesoros para compartir...
José Luis and Alejandra Acuña, English Translations..
José Luis and Alejandra Acuña, English Translations..
Introduction to Living In the Divine Will
Jesus Redeemer
Jesus Glorifier
History of Luisa Piccarreta, Part I
History of Luisa Piccarreta, Part 2
Church's Current Position On Luisa Piccarreta (2020)
1. The Greatest Gift...
2. The 3 Dimensions of the Passion Of Jesus in the Divine Will
3. How to Live in the Divine Will to the Highest Level
4. Enter the Divine Will, In IT are All the Acts of Jesus
5. Proof that Everything About Luisa Piccarreta is of God.
The Holy Mass in the Divine Will
Father Celso Retreat, Rome Indiana, 2023
Father Celso Retreat, Rome Indiana, 2023
Lesson 1 2023 Rome City Luisa and the Kingdom of the Divine Will
Lesson 2 - Annual Family Reunion In the Divine Will
Lesson 3 2023 Rome City Luisa and the Kingdom of the Divine Will
Ven a contemplar esta hermosa presentación del Rosario en el Amor Materno...
El Padre Dave Leon de DW Class explica el poder de las oraciones dentro de la Voluntad Divina...
Frances Hogan explica que debemos confiar en Jesús... ¡MÁS ALLÁ DE LA RAZÓN!
En este sitio se utilizan vídeos, fotografías y/u obras de arte con derechos de autor con fines educativos sin fines de lucro que se ajustan a nuestra perspectiva histórica al contemplar personajes, lugares y eventos históricos reales.